Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Homemade Day!

Well...It has been too long since I have had the time to post!!!

Today I realized I was out of many of my favorite homemade morning routine goodies! the pantry I went to gather my ingredients.  I quickly whipped up a batch of my homemade toothpaste with a little variation for my little guy!  This time I added some lemon and orange oil instead of the peppermint oil.  Hopefully this change will make for an easier transition for him.
And why yes that is my super sexy toothbrush!

I also needed to make some shampoo (well it isn't really shampoo)...its a mixture of:
1 Tbsp Baking Soda
1 Cup Water
Wet your hair and apply as much or as little to your hair as needed depending on the length, let sit for about 2 minutes then rinse.  Eventually you won't need to wash your hair each day.  Sometimes I will go up to 3 days without washing!  (I even get compliments on my hair after not washing several days!)  Go figure...

Instead of conditioner I use a mixture of:
1 Tbsp Apple Cider vinegar
1 Cup Water
I only use this when I use my "shampoo"

For both I used old bottles and mix a triple batch...

Since we are talking about health/beauty items I'm going to share a few other things!  

Face wash:  I had to find a face wash that doesn't require being refrigerated or mixed daily (because seriously who has time for that!)  I found this recipe...using vegetable glycerin, honey and castile soap.  Three ingredients and I have been using it for over a month with no major breakouts and for me...that is a pretty big deal!  (I normally don't have much luck with facial cleanser so I was quite pleasantly surprised!)

Body wash:  I found a recipe I liked however it is not as thick as I would like it to I have modified it a bit.  You will need Castile soap, glycerin, distilled water and your favorite essential oil!  It is also recommended to utilize a foam pump dispenser.  
1/4 Cup Castile Soap
3/4 Cup Water
1/4 Cup glycerin 
About 10 drops of oil...once again I like to make it in bulk so I don't add the oil until I put I am ready to use it!  My favorites are lavender for the kiddos and tea tree for myself and the hubs.

I normally like to post a few pics for you, however since most of these items are found in my shower... I thought I'd spare you!!!!!  But then is a safe picture!

Hope everyone has a blessed day and don't be afraid to try some homemade goodness...You will definitely feel like you are making a difference in your home and life when you know exactly what you are putting on your body and your kiddos!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A little of this and that...

If you haven't noticed my post are a little try to keep up!

This week was the first week of Dance and Gymnastics...

My new home away from home!

Let me just say that yesterday was very interesting and would never have been manageable without my good friend, K!  She picked up the kiddos from school then drove them to the dance store where she corralled (well attempted to corral) 4 kiddos while trying on shoes...I rescued her at our local parks and rec center!  My Luke Duke and K's smallest were in gymnastics while I took my oldest and her friend to get some food...came back picked up the boys, while she took the girls to change into their dance clothes!   The boys went with my friend to get food while I set up blankets on the grass for a picnic!  If you are exhausted just reading this, don't worry we were too!!!  I'm hoping this gets easier as the year progresses!  

Barefoot and picnicking!

And while I waited...I got to do one of my favorite things...crochet!  I am working on a blanket for a family member and I have a strict deadline which is quickly approaching (maybe I should be working on that instead of this post!)

After all my running I came home to do some work around the house including some laundry...and since this is called "Homemade with Heather" I thought I would share how I make my homemade Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softener (You thought I would never get to something homemade, didn't you!) 

 So....for the fabric softener I have been using 1/3 C. White Distilled Vinegar with some lavender oil to make it smell good!  You put it right in the place where you always put your regular softener!  For my laundry detergent I have used this recipe.  This is a liquid detergent and is super easy!  I utilized an old laundry container for one gallon in order to make room for shaking!  It seems to be working really well removing grass stains and all!

By the way:  The toothpaste is working great!  The entire family is using it with only one request...Luke Duke has asked for a different flavor...which is an easy fix!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Yard Sales, Tables and Toothpaste...Oh My

A lot of exciting things have happened since my last post!  Including a new addition to the family...another table!  That's right I said "Another" table because now I have 4!  Some may call me crazy and they would be right, but I could not find the perfect table...until now!!!

Exhibit A (Our original table purchased before our house was even built!)
So anyway this is what I did...was awakened early on a Saturday morning by one of my bestest friends (and its a good thing she is as I was still in my PJs and just rolled out of bed!)  We decided to go to a few local yard sales and well lets just say I fell in love...with a table!  

Exhibit B (Added to the family 2 years ago since we seem to always need more seating)
And here she is.....nestled so nicely between the other two right in front of the kids bedrooms!

Exhibit C (The PERFECT table)

By the way...check out that cute kid in all the pictures!  She too is proud of the three tables in our kitchen/dining/living room!

On a different note (which by the way you will notice a pattern of randomness here):  Today was the day I made Homemade Toothpaste!  Why you may ask...well for me its checking it off my list of store bought items and apparently there A LOT of yucks in your regular toothpaste!  I searched for a recipe online and could not find one that I really liked so I combined a few and ended up with this recipe:

3 Tbsp of Coconut Oil
3 Tbsp of Baking soda
about 3/4 Tsp of salt
Peppermint oil to taste...(most say 10-15 drops, however that didn't seem to be enough for myself or daughter)

I whipped up a batch, thanks to my good friend Emmy (who by the way...hooked me up on her blog so check her out)...she had the coconut oil!

It was tested by myself and my oldest and found to be tolerable!  I put it in individual containers for the kiddos and one for myself and hubby!  I will keep you posted on any changes that may be needed to make it work!

Not too bad for a weekend with no plans!  Stay tuned for more recipes on household products...